Advertise in Winston-Salem with Home Resource Magazine
Home Resource is a beautiful yet practical resource guide designed to connect homeowners who are ready to remodel, build or simply improve their homes with the area’s finest showrooms and local professionals who want to provide these homeowners with the best possible experience. Beyond this, it allows our readers to dream of endless possibilities.
Just a few highlights:
→ Total distribution of 24,000 magazines in Forsyth County and surrounding areas.
→ 20,000+/- copies direct mailed to the most affluent households
throughout the marketplace.
→ An additional 4,000-5,000 copies will be distributed in high traffic areas such as grocery stores, realtor’s offices, Home Builder’s Association office, building supply stores, all customer locations, and doctors offices.
→ Focused editorial on new construction and remodeling projects designed to educate, entertain and inform plus a comprehensive listing of Shops and Showrooms and Building Professionals in our Resource Guide.